Derksen International School of Music
Violin, Viola and Piano Lessons in English Tokyo, Japan Lessons Inside Your Home

About the Teacher
Dolores Derksen started her violin studies at the age of 5 in a small public elementary school in Germany. At the age of 8, she moved to Texas, where for the next 10 years she continued her violin studies under Houston Symphony first violinist Sergei Galperin, a former student of Dorothy Delay. Since then, she has made numerous achievements, including earning the concertmaster position as a 6th grader in the Austin Youth Orchestra and winning the 2014 Maurer Award. Throughout her years, Dolores has played in several orchestras, including Regional Orchestra (2008-2014), Texas All-State Orchestra (2012-2014), and Austin Youth Orchestra (2008-2014). She was also the concertmaster of the top orchestra in the Austin Youth Orchestra in 2014. She earned a Bachelors degree in music at Southern Methodist University and studied violin under Emanuel Borok, former concertmaster of the Dallas Symphony. In her free time, Dolores likes to learn languages (such as Japanese and Russian) and paint.
Dolores started piano at the age of 13 under the tutelage of Saida Kafarova, who studied under the legendary Yakov Milstein and Tatiana Nikolaveya. During her time at university, Dolores studied piano under David Karp, a graduate of the Manhattan School of Music in New York.
Dolores has 5 years of teaching experience and can teach in both Japanese and English.

About the Teacher
A native of Germany, Dolores Derksen started her violin studies at the age of 5 in a public elementary school where she learned the basics of violin. She with the best teachers and performers of the Russian Violin School in Texas: 10 years with Sergei Galperin (First Violin of Houston Symphony, student of Dorothy Delay at Juilliard) and 4 years with Emanuel Borok at SMU (Concertmaster of Dallas Symphony for 25 years: 1985-2010). Dolores was Concertmaster of AYO's Philharmonic and Symphony orchestras and the winner of 2014 Maurer Award. She holds BA Degree in Music from SMU (2018).
Dolores has been teaching since 2019.
ドイツ出身。5歳からバイオリンを始める。アメリカへ移住後、セルゲイ‧ガルペーリン氏(ジュリアード音楽院卒)に師事。高校卒業後は南メソジスト大学のMeadows School of the Artsに入学し、エマヌエル‧ボーロク氏(ダラスシンフォニー楽団コンサートマスター)に4年間師事し技術を磨く。